"Citizenship in School: Reconceptualizing Down Syndrome" by Christopher Kliewer
I had a really tough time with this reading at first – I think I read the first few pages three times before I went on. I knew that people with disabilities struggled but to what extent, I never thought about.
“How absurd to be judged by others at all, especially by those who have never experienced a disability or who are unwillingly providing us with support or who don’t listen to the voices we have.”
This quote makes a great point. If people want answers all they have to do is as - rather than assume that people with disabilities couldn’t possible function in the classroom we should be asking them how, as teachers, we can make their classroom experience a better one.
“For instance, recognizing Isaac's love of reading and his capacity to decipher printed language, an important bridge to the community, required that Shayne see past Isaac's low scores on cognitive developmental checklists, which included numerous references to literacy skills.”
I only hope that when I become a teacher I can have the kind of success that Shayne does. If every teacher out there put forth more effort to see past what they think is a burden, the results would make an incredible difference. It’s sad, but I never realized how hard they make if for student with disabilities to be successful.
“If you look at those three kids running around the room, they're incredibly different from each other. They're different in terms of what their bodies are like, how they best communicate, what they're like socially, their interests. And with those three kids in the room it would be hard to say, "This is how you should teach kids with Down syndrome." They are not at all alike.”
I really liked this quote and it doesn’t only pertain to student with disabilities. In our society it’s very common for people to judge a book by its cover, but what we should be working towards is teaching our kids universal acceptance. Not only are our children earning an education, they are learning the skills to be social, competent and accepting members of society.
I thought this was an interesting video - I kept asking myself HOW could I create an inclusive classroom but where on earth would I start?!
“Some minorities feel they have been wronged by mainstream Americans and that “acting white” is a betrayal of their people.”
This quote really stuck out to me too. I really related to your situation with your cousins except mine was more so with the people I surrounded myself with in high school. There weren’t many minorities in my school and the few that there were all hung out. A few of them never liked me and I never knew why, (I was raised by my white mother and I was never taught to notice race or think I was different from anyone else just because of the way that I looked), so when one of the girls who didn’t like me called me out for “acting white” I didn’t really know what to do. So I just said nothing and walked away. If that were to happen today, I still think I’d be confused and just walk away. But why is it that not being the stereotype to your race, you’re leaving your culture behind and trying to be white? I didn’t know that being Spanish or Native American required us to act in a particular way.
I absolutely loved Finn’s idea of “dangerous literacy”! I was so taken aback by his phrasing at first but I really love it. I completely agree with what you said here - “When people gain an understanding of the way things are, they can use this information to come up with new ideas and ways of thinking” - The best way to keep people in their class is to keep them illiterate. If someone doesn’t know that they can achieve social justice, then they’ll never think to strive for those bigger and better things.
Also, I like the way you tied the Kozol and Mead argument into this blog; his article crossed my mind a few times too. Connecting the quote from Mead to literacy works perfectly; however, like the neighborhood that did not want an incinerator built, the situation does not always work in your favor.
Overall, Promising Practices was a good experience and a great addition to FNED requirements! The session I attended was titled Social and Academic Challenges and Successes – at home and abroad. The session started with Maria Lawrence who spoke about her research experiences in Brazil. Before she even started talking, she had us tear green construction paper into the shape of Brazil – or at least what we thought Brazil looked like. I really liked this introduction into the presentation – she got us thinking right off the bat and it was a nice interactive start. Maria then went into talking about Brazil. Brazil is the 8th largest economy and is the 5th largest country. The places in she visited in Brazil were selected based on UNESCO criteria which applied to these sites in terms of the underlying heritage value of the locations. These places were Salvador, Bahia (for it being a historic centre, and having urbanization criteria) Brasilia, Federal District (for meeting the urban criteria) and Olinda, Pernambuco (for meeting the urbanization criteria in part with being a historic centre). In total, Maria spent 31 days in Brazil. She wanted to experience the indigenous people and areas of Brazil but for political reasons she realized that she was never going to experience even a lecture on the status of the indigenous people (it’s an uncomfortable topic for Brazil). She then went onto showing us Brazil’s Constitution which was much larger than that of our own country and even touches upon culture reservation. Maria then showed us this video:
Brazil would be placing a 17 billion dollar dam at “Big Bend” of the Xingu River to divert a large portion of the river which would then flood a part of Brazil the size of Chicago. Flooding this section would greatly and negatively affect settlers and push many of them into the cities which are already being impacted by the challenge of urbanization. Maria ended the presentation with pictures of favellas in Brazil which are the equivalent of slums in America. Favellas are similar to homes for squatters and they lack many modern amenities. She noted that while in Brazil she found it odd that the favellas were on the waterfront but they’re actually not getting the typical “waterfront” treatment that you would in America – the placement is due to the smell of the city.
The second half of the session was what I was really looking forward to and was titled Military Children in our Classrooms. The discussion was separated into two speakers, both with different experiences in relation to Military personnel and their families. The first speaker was Monica Darcy who is a military wife and she started off by showing us this video:
After showing us the video she started in on some interesting facts, the first being that the term Military Brat isn’t derogatory like is appears to be but rather stands for British Regiment attached traveler. Monica then went onto the strengths that many military children have. Those strengths are that they may have a greater respect for authority, they are more tolerant, resourceful, adaptable, welcoming of challenges, more likely to be friendly with someone who is different and are less likely to take part in risky behaviors. Approximately 2 million children have experiences a parental deployment since 2001, most of which are in the public or private schools. It’s hard to say the exact experience that the military personnel and their family will have because not all deployments are the same. For example the person being deployed may be leaving for training, combat or peacemaking, the danger differs from one deployment to the next, the amount of notice differs from person to person and the length of time differs. The second woman who spoke was Micaela Black and she works hands on with veterans and their families. Micaela spoke mostly about the military in RI and how the National Guard personnel and their families are affected. Currently, 524 RI service members are deployed and 5568 members have been deployed since 9/11. Also, Rhode Island has the 2nd highest deployed National Guard. She then went on to discuss the difficulties that military children face. Military Children face transitional impacts, they experience more emotional difficulties. Also, the amount of children receiving outpatient mental health has doubled in recent years and in patient visits are up by 50%. Lastly she discussed the impact on military personnel, post deployment. They face problems such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), TBI (traumatic brain injury), loss of limbs and substance abuse. An interesting and appalling fact that she ended the presentation with was that the RI National Guard underemployment rate is at 50% and the unemployment rate for the ages 18-26 is 26.9%.
Here are a few resources we were given that relate to the second portion of the session: http://www.militaryonesource.mil http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil/Home/Benefit_Library/Resource_Locator/Rhode_Island.html
Next I went to the Promising Partnership Expo and was surprised by all of the different tables. What appealed to me the most of the tables were the few that gave information on some volunteer opportunities. I’ve really enjoyed the service learning and I’d love to do that sort of volunteer work while I’m still in college and everyone always says the more experience the better! This part of the day was probably the best for making connections to people in the educational world.
The final part of the day was the Teen Empowerment plenary and the Youth Panel. Honestly – at this point of the day I was bored out of my mind. I like the message that Teen Empowerment was trying to get across but for whatever reason I just couldn’t get into it. I felt like the whole presentation was just them talking and showing us icebreakers. The Q&A was more interesting and it was nice for the audience to pick their brains but I wanted more of something (what that something is, I have no idea).
The first connection that could be made between Promising Practices and our readings is definitely Kahn and Westheimer’s Charity vs. Change. There are so many volunteer opportunities out there in urban schools. “Bad” schools are always looking for good teachers and volunteers but the good teachers and volunteers tend to work in better school systems by choice.
The military part of the session I attended really made me think of the reading by Rodriguez. Children with military families who attend public schools might feel similar to how Rodriguez felt. If a child feels like they have no one who can relate to them it will probably negatively affect their school and home lives.
As I read through articles and watch videos about gender equity in the classroom, I have found one common observation - that American educators, regardless of their gender or the grade level at which they teach, continue to focus more attention on male than on female students. Sadly I have found this to be true in the classroom that I volunteer in. The most alarming part about this is that now that I think about it, I have done so myself. A study done in the classroom by Sadker and Sadker found that boys are called on more than girls, boys are given more and different kind of feedback than girls, and boys are allowed more leniency for mild classroom misbehavior. I can't say why the teacher that I work with does this but for me, I seem to think that the girls don't need as much of my attention, that they can self motivate better than the boys and are overall better behaved. I'm definitely going to pay more attention to the way that I do things in relation to gender in the classroom.
I like this video more for the questions that it raised. It just gets you thinking about gender and it's role in the classroom
This is a video of a group of sophomores at Sydney Boys High School (an all-boys, selective, public high school in Sydney, Australia). Their goal is to raise awareness about gender equality as part of their High Resolves Community Action.
In class I would like to see if anyone else has had any realizations about themselves in Service Learning? I never realized that my way of thinking is actually a problem and can negatively impact students :(
Tim Wise Interview and Brown vs. Board of Education
The interview of Tim Wise, the website on Brown vs. Board of Education and the article from The New York times all have one common topic - racism. The article Separate and Unequal discusses the problems that minorities face in the classroom - de facto segregation which is segregation that occurs due to patterns in residential settlement and learning environments that are smothered by poverty. The website Separate is Not Equal gives information on Brown vs. Board of Education, the troubles in overcoming segregation and the achievements towards equality that our country has made. The interview of Tim Wise discusses his book Between Barack and a Hard Place and goes into detail points that he made through his writing.
Many of the points made by Tim Wise made me think of previous readings that we have done. The first being Peggy McIntosh's "White Privilege" which states that white people are often oblivious to their "white privilege." McIntosh as one point in her article states "As a white person, I realized I had been taught about racism as something that puts others at a disadvantage, but had been taught not to see one of its corollary aspects, white privilege, which puts me at an advantage." Tim Wise says in his interview that there are many African Americans who are just as intelligent and well spoken as Barack Obama but they may not present themselves in that same way that he does thereby putting those other African Americans at a disadvantage because Americans have put Obama, in their minds, in a separate category than they put "stereotypical" African Americans. Relating to the quote from McIntosh's article is something that Time Wise said, "The proof of racial equity will be the day that people of color can be as mediocre as white folks and still get hired," - the people of America would never have this sort of mindset with a white president and their fellow white citizens.
Another article that we read which really stuck out to me was a combination of Delpit's and Johnson's articles. Delpit says that there are cultural patterns which tend to show up across racial and socioeconomic communities and that they have a strong impact on the teaching and learning that goes on in the classroom. Brown vs. Board of Education was a huge step towards embracing and preserving these differences but then helping to merge schools that were segregated. Johnson's point about the "luxury of obliviousness" really connected to the polls of Americans that Tim Wise spoke about. White people are rarely aware of the privileges they have and relating to Delpit, they are the least willing to acknowledge it's existence. A combination of polls found that African Americans are perceived by white people as generally less intelligent, more aggressive, and prone to criminality. Another poll taken in the early 2000's found that 75% of whites who answered yes to this said that they perceived that African Americans just wanted to live on welfare and not work. This is appalling when in actuality 1 out of every 7 African Americans receive any kind of public assistance.
In class I would like to bring up one of the things that Tim Wise said in his interview, "To pretend or to act as though we are heading towards this post racial place would be no more logical than to say that Pakistan was headed to a post sexist place because Benazir Bhutto happened to be elected head of state there in 1988." What do people think of this?
In the service of what? by Joseph Kahne and Joel Westheimer
"The idea that educators should foster a volunteer ethic and encourage youths to give something back to their school or community currently receives widespread support."
I think that service learning is very beneficial to students. It allows them to see more than what they usually surround themselves with everyday. Children can only learn so much about what's in the world through the classroom and going out into the community really helps them get a better understanding of the world around them. This is a great graduation requirement and not only does it better the student but it betters those who they are helping.
"We do not volunteer "to make a statement," or to use the people we work with to protest something."
I really admired this quote. I can't generalize and say that all people do this but the experience that I've had with people and volunteering is that they are doing it for the wrong reasons. Those reasons could be anything from that they're doing it because they have to or they're doing to make some sort of a point. When I volunteer, I do it because I want to be there and I want to help the people that I'm working with. I like the fact that volunteer work is often required for things like graduation from high school but I also think that we should teach people to do it for the right reasons.
"Clearly, having students share their thoughts and experiences with one another can be valuable, but reflective activities (commonly in the form of journal entries and discussions) may simply reinforce previously held beliefs and simplistic, if generous. conclusions."
This quote really made me think about the service learning required for this class. At first I didn't really like the idea of having to write journal entries for our service learning but after doing a few they really made me think. Anyone can do service learning and leave without a single thought about what they just experienced. Writing the journals really solidifies the experience and makes us think less about what we did on and more about the details and what we should take away from the experience.
In class I would like to talk about which type of service learning people favor, Mr. Johnson's or Ms. Adams? But get more into detail about why (the fact that students get to chose individually or the collaborative effort)
Vinny, I understand that you believe that you should not read to deeply into cartoons and movies; however, subliminal messages intentional or not have a proven effect on the developing mind of a child. When I was younger I did avoid the sun due to a fear of being different than other white children, and social media of the time did not help to ease this fear. Disney movies are a perfect example of the stereotypes placed upon women. Aladdin is a perfect example of racism found in Disney movies. The first character we are introduced to is a stereotypical Arab "bootlegger" salesman, then we meet Aladdin a stereotyped Arab peasant stealing bread, wearing nothing but a vest, a fez, and harem pants.These stereotypes place an image of Arab people into the mind of young impressionable children. Aladdin, Jasmine, and The Sultan are fairer skinned than any other Arab character in the movie. All of these characters are or will become a person of power. These subtle changes in skin coloring can teach children that fairer skinned people have more power, or are held in a higher regard. There are many other characters in famous Disney movies that are hurtful stereotypes, such as the Indians in Peter Pan, the Crows from Dumbo, King Louie from The Jungle Book, and more. These racist stereotypes can had a profound effect on children. The original Disney Princesses are all white, about a Size 1, and need to be rescued from the clutches of evil by a muscular white male. That is all but Jasmine and Pocahontas. Yet, still Pocahontas falls for a white skinned, blonde haired, blue-eyed male. In a modern world where racism is still a predominate factor in children's lives movies like these tell girl's it is okay to stereotype, that you should be a size one, that you need men to survive, but it is up to that child to discern wrong from right. However, in a world plagued by vanity it is hard for children to see that they do not need to be conformists. These movies are meant to entertain, but they have subtle racist overtones and hurtful stereotypes. Games like Grand Theft Auto might not make children violent, yet there are proven studies that show that children who play first person shooter games on the Wii, or on XBox Connect are more likely to act out physically. This is due impart to the fact that to kill their enemies the children have to pull a real trigger. This conditions children that it is okay to act out physically. Whether intentional or not, the imagery chosen for a film, or video game sends a message to it viewers brain. Children, and girls especially, are impressionable. This racist and stereotypical media is allowed. Plain and simple. Children have access to a plethora of information in today's American society. Exposure to any kind of racist imagery or stereotypical cartoon depictions will shape how a child acts or thinks.
Unlearning the Myths that Bind Us by Linda Christensen
Of all the reading's we have done so far, I enjoyed this one the most so far. It really got me thinking about my childhood and things that were shaping me and my beliefs without me even knowing.
Christensen, when working with her students and cartoons asks "What would children learn about what's important in this society?" I asked myself the same question and was really saddened by my thoughts. The very things we loved as children are contributing to issues such as the rules and codes of power and the luxury of obliviousness argued by Delpit and Johnson in previous readings.
Something right in front of your face is often easy to look past. How is it that all this stereotyping just sort of slipped by in editing? The fact that it did, is in itself the problem. We need to take notice and put forth the effort to change this and the fact that it is so engrained in us to overlook it.
I really love the Disney princess movies, but I see both sides. The first being where Disney likes to think of the princesses as role models but they're the source of insecurities and they teach young girls that they need a man to be happy (this example being in cartoon form above). The other side however is that the movies really do teach good lessons. For example, Mulan teaches girls that courage is often rewarded, Pocahontas teaches girls to never be afraid to lead and be yourself, and Belle teaches girls to never be afraid to explore beyond the limits. Both are valid arguments with much support from all the movies.
This also got my mind reeling about Disney princesses and race. All of the princesses are beautiful, thin, well spoken WHITE women. I'll give it to Disney - yes, you did add in Jasmine, Pocahontas, Mulan and Esmeralda (who I consider a princess!) but it took them until just recently to have an African American princess. Disney makes many attempts to create cultural diversity in its films and its other products and tries to reach a broad audience and occasionally has marketing campaigns directed towards minorities, but are they really successful? It honestly still seems like Disney films work to maintain the invisibility of whiteness.
What made me feel better about this reading though, was that I wasn't oblivious to these things. For whatever reason - I've always noticed the flaws in media and television shows - probably because I would consider myself a victim of the stereotyping of women. As a child, I always remember wanting to look more like the women in magazine adds; thin, white and beautiful - and I never felt like any of those things growing up. I even wanted it to such an extent that for a long time, I would avoid going outside in the sun because for whatever reason, in my mind, I hated getting a tan (being Native American, I get a tan very easily). I'm repulsed by the fact that I was driven to that as a child, not for health reasons like the avoidance of skin cancer but for vanity purposes.
In class I would like to bring up what I mentioned before about Disney princesses - mainly if anyone else had noticed it before this reading. I could probably talk about this article for days so I'm hoping other people have have as much to say about this article as I do.
ADL, GLSEN and StoryCorps Create LGBT History Resource Unheard Voices
“LGBT people have played an integral but often untold role in our collective history, and GLSEN research clearly shows that the positive portrayal of LGBT people, history and events in curricula has a positive impact on the entire school community and helps teach students respect for difference.”
An important point made through this quote is that all people are influential. Regardless of their race, gender or sexuality – everyone can make a difference. It would be ridiculous to think or teach that there was no one who identified as lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered throughout history.
"According to GLSEN's 2009 National School Climate Survey of more than 7,000 LGBT students, less than a fifth (17.9%) reported that LGBT-related topics were included in their textbooks or other assigned readings. When asked whether they had been taught about LGBT people, history or events in school, a vast majority (86.6%) of students reported that these topics were not taught in any of their classes, and only 11.7% of students were exposed to positive representations of LGBT people, history or events."
Out of the entire reading, I was most angry about this - however, I'm not at all surprised. All throughout my high school years, students were rarely educated about anything LGBT related. Come to think of it – never once was anything LGBT mentioned in the classroom. There was one club in my high school called the Gay Straight Alliance. This club wasn’t even created until my sophomore year of high school and my high school has been around since the 40s. How can anyone expect our future generations to be tolerant if we can’t embrace and educate students about those who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgendered?
“Conversely, the GLSEN study indicates that in schools with positive representations of LGBT topics in the curriculum, LGBT students were less likely to report hearing homophobic remarks or experiencing victimization at school, and more likely to report that school personnel and their peers intervened when homophobic remarks occurred”
I think that this should be a goal for all schools and educators. We wouldn’t allow a student who was of a different race or gender than the majority to be bullied because of these things that they can’t change. Everyone should have the same learning environment - a safe and accepting one.
In class I would really just like to bring up and ask what everyone's experiences in high school were like in relation to GLSEN. One of my childhood friends is lesbian and was never bullied or judged in my high school. But I'm always hearing the high percentages of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered students being bullied. This article can be found at http://www.glsen.org/cgi-bin/iowa/all/news/record/2798.html
Aria by Richard Rodriguez & Teaching Multilingual Children by Virginia Collier
These articles initially seemed very unlike our previous readings but they have the same overall concept. People are often ostracized because of their race, class, gender or sexuality but people who can't speak the same language as the people who hold the "power" feel the same way. Relating back to the card game, I remember feeling angry at first. No one seemed to understand the same rules that I understood, but once I realized that we had different rules and were essentially speaking different languages, I was more accepting of the other players rules.
This is a video of Antonio Graceffo teaching in an ESL classroom. He shows some ways that he gets his students to respond to him in English. Going along with Collier, "Teach the standard form of English and students' home language together with an appreciation of dialect differences to create an environment of language recognition in the classroom", you have to do more than just teach students English. You need to acknowledge that the languages are different and allow the student to recognize it themselves, but then teach the students to embrace the difference.
Collier states in her article "Don't teach a second language in any way that challenges or seeks to eliminate the first language." A students culture directly ties into the language that they speak. The same way that any teacher would need to be culturally competent, I think an ESL teacher would need to be more sensitive to differences in cultures and this article touches upon just that. ESL Classroom and Cultural Sensitivity
The following article gives more ways to aid in the success of an ESL student - ways to make their transition and the learning process itself easier and more enjoyable. Success for ESL Students
This is my favorite of the videos I've watched relating to ESL. It may be common knowledge, but the game he plays with the children is a great way to get the students to speak in English. They're forced to use their own words in English to describe the item and it's uses.
In class I would like to bring up one of my first realizations after reading both articles. As an ESL teacher, all of the pressure is put on you as the teacher, to teach the student as well and as fast as you can - but what Rodriguez seems to say is that it's just as much up to the student as it is to the teacher. Rodriguez fought learning English, he enjoyed the security of his home spoken Spanish, but one day he decided to allow himself to speak English. Had he not chosen to do so, he would have remained a solely Spanish speaking student in a English speaking society.
I thought that some of you may be interested in this case. Georgia just executed a man who was possibly innocent. The case was 20 years old, witnesses recanted their statements, their was no murder weapon found, and no DNA evidence. I find it upsetting that our justice system is so flawed that it does not want to admit the fact that they made a mistake. Former President Jimmy Carter, Pope Benedict, and millions of people, influential and not, asked Georgia to revoke his death penalty but they didn't.
White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh
McIntosh argues that white people on a regular basis, unknowingly take advantage of their "white privilege" and way that they live their lives. The environment that taught them to be unmindful to their advantages, is in itself the problem. Reason being that the unconscious disregard that their whiteness is a race is in fact the very act that makes other people of different color feel oppressed. I found there to be an unspoken message or maybe it was just a realization I made, but there are so many things that minorities will never have the opportunity to fully experience or understand, simply because they are not white. Despite how hard they work, how much money they have, or even what person they marry, they will never have white privileges. The main point that she discusses is that just being white gives you a mentality that blinds you to struggles that other races face from day to day. In class I would like to bring up the 26 small details taken for granted by the privileged whites. Until you see it right in front of you, it's hard to recognize the struggles that others face. I believe that those of a dominant group don't often see the hidden privileges and shelter that they have. I would say that I take advantage of the 26 listed points. Despite being Native American, I don't really notice my race (I wasn't really raised to notice it) but reading through this list and recognizing them was very strange.
My name is Heather Forthun and I tranferred to RIC from CCRI and I am an Elementary Education major. When I'm not in class I'm either killing zombies, watching horror films, reading Stephen King novels or doing something else unproductive. When I'm not eating and sleeping on campus, I'm either working at Stop & Shop or I'm at home with my three cats - Madison, Oscar and Kodiak (also known as basement cat) - so be prepared for Lolcats.